Identifying business analysis performance improvements

As people and especially business analysts, there is always room for improvements.

The identify business analysis performance improvement task is used to evaluate the business analysis work and plan for any necessary improvements.

In order to do this, performance measures would have to be established, performance analysis conducted, report on the analysis made and corrective actions identified.

There are various elements that are used in this task and they are:

1. Performance Analysis: Business analysis work product can be subjective and based on the requirements of the organization.

Performance analysis reporting can also be tailor made to fit in with the culture of the organization i.e. it can be informal rather than being formal.

2. Assessment Measures: Assessment measures can also be based on the organizational standards.

If the organization already has existing assessment measures then they can be utilized but if not, the assessment measures can be elicited from the stakeholders.

Performance measures such as deliverable dates, frequency of change to work products and stakeholder feedback can help the business analyst identify problems and improve performance.

3. Analyze Results: To analyse the results of the business analysis work performance it has to be compared against a set of defined measures.

The stakeholders in charge of analyzing the results would compare the produced work against the set of measures and produce their reports.

4. Recommend Actions For Improvement: Based on the produced report the appropriate stakeholders identify preventive, corrective and improvement actions.

These actions would be used to make changes to the business analysis approach and processes.