Who is a Stakeholder ?

A stakeholder is defined as anyone who is interested in the problem and its potential solution.

The stakeholder’s interest might be positive or negative based on how they feel about the problem, but regardless of their personal feelings they are still considered stakeholders.

Every stakeholder has a role to play in the implementation of the solution and the business analyst has to interact with each person both directly and indirectly to ensure that the problem is truly resolved.

Some of the stakeholders in an organization might include the following people:

1. Business Analyst: A business analyst is considered a stakeholder because they are involved in all the business analysis activities. These business analysis activities need to be accomplished in order to make a successful change in organization.

2. End User: An end user is anyone who actively uses a product or a solution. They are the people who would use the final solution so their input and feedback is vital to the successful implementation of the solution.

4. Project Manager: A project manager is anyone who is in charge of making sure that the solution meets its business objectives.

5. Project Sponsor: A project sponsor is someone who is initiates the change and they are responsible for controlling the budget and approving the work that is to be done.

6. Quality Assurance Tester: The quality assurance tester is responsible for verifying that the solution meets the stated requirements. They are also in charge of ensuring that the product meets the organization’s quality standards which would help minimize the risks associated with the solution.

7. Customer: The customer is anyone who buys goods or services from the organization. They have an interest in the solution because a successful solution would be value adding for them.