What is GitHub ?

GitHub is a web based application that helps developers to store and manage their code.

The application is mainly used for version control which is the tracking, control and management of code changes.

As a software project matures it is important that the programming codes are properly managed to ensure that you can keep track of what has been changed and revert back to a previous version of that code if needed.

Some of the programming code changes that need to be tracked in an application are called branching and merging.

Branching is the duplication of the main code which is also know as the source code while merging is when the developer merges their amended code back into the main source code to make it official.

GitHub is easy to use and understand so it can be used by other professionals for example authors to manage different versions of their books.

Github is a free open source application so anyone can sign up and store their code changes in their account.