Are there any other business analysis certifications ?

I have previously written about some of the well known business analysis certifications. But there are other business analysis certifications that might not be so popular.

Some of these certifications include the following:

  1. IREB : The International Requirements Engineering
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Understanding the CBAP/CCBA exams

The CBAP and CCBA certification exams are based on all the six knowledge areas from the BABOK ® Guide.

The exams are used to test your personal business analysis experience and the your knowledge on the information in the BABOK … Read the rest

How to apply for the CBAP/CCBA exam

Many business analysts would like to get a Business Analysis certification but have no idea what they need to do to navigate the path to career certification.

Navigating the business analysis certification process can be tedious and confusing, so I … Read the rest

Are you really ready for the CBAP/CCBA exam ?

So you think that you are ready to write the CBAP or CCBA exam, but are you sure ?

Take this mock test to see how you would measure up against the real exams.

1. Which statement best describes the … Read the rest

BABOK® Knowledge Area Summary

While many business analysts would love to read and memorize the BABOK it is not an easy task.

The BABOK acts as a guide which helps a business analyst navigate the interesting and often surprising tasks that they have to … Read the rest

Free business analysis courses

It has been quite the year.

Late last year, a relatively unknown virus started sweeping the world and by the end of March, 2020, it had completely changed the world as we know it.

From lockdowns to curfews, countries around … Read the rest

CBAP/CCBA preparation questions – Solution Evaluation

The solution analysis knowledge area is used by the business analyst to evaluate the value delivered by a solution and to recommend the removal of constraints for full value realization.

Here are a few sample CBAP/CCBA questions and answers in … Read the rest

CBAP/CCBA preparation questions – Strategy Analysis

The strategic analysis knowledge area describes the business analysis work that identifies a strategic need, addresses that need and aligns the strategic of the organization with the necessary change.

Here are a few sample CBAP/CCBA questions and answers in that … Read the rest

CBAP/CCBA preparation questions – Requirements LifeCycle Management

The requirements life cycle management knowledge area describes the tasks that are used to manage and maintain requirements and design information throughout the life cycle of the solution.

Here are a few sample CBAP/CCBA questions and answers on that knowledge … Read the rest

CBAP/CCBA preparation questions – Elicitation

As a business analyst, you have to be able to understand the needs of the business. In order to do this you have to obtain information, we use elicitation and collaborative techniques to do this.

Here are some sample CBAP/CCBA Read the rest