What are Business Analysis techniques?

Business analysis techniques are methods and tools used by business analysts to understand, analyze, and communicate various aspects of a business.

Some common techniques include:

1. SWOT Analysis: Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business or project.

2. PESTLE Analysis: Examining political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors affecting a business.

3. Stakeholder Analysis: Identifying stakeholders, understanding their interests, influence, and impact on the project.

4. Root Cause Analysis: Identifying the underlying causes of problems or issues within a business process.

5. Gap Analysis: Comparing the current state of a business with the desired future state to identify areas for improvement.

6. Process Modeling: Visualizing and analyzing business processes using techniques like flowcharts or swimlane diagrams.

7. Data Analysis: Examining and interpreting data to uncover insights and trends relevant to business objectives.

8. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating the costs and benefits of a proposed solution or investment to make informed decisions.

9. Requirement Gathering Techniques: Techniques such as interviews, surveys, workshops, and observation to elicit and document business requirements.

10. Decision Trees: Visualizing decisions and their potential outcomes to aid in decision-making processes.

These techniques help business analysts gather information, analyze data, and make informed recommendations to improve business processes, products, or services.