Business analysis perspectives

Business analysis is a profession with many tasks and techniques. Within these tasks and techniques there are some which are specific to certain methodologies and technologies.

These specific tasks and techniques are known as perspectives.

These perspectives include:

  1. Agile.
  2. Business Intelligence.
  3. Information Technology.
  4. Business Architecture.
  5. Business Process Management.

These five perspectives are not a complete list of all the possible business analysis perspectives but they are some of the popular ones. Some of these perspectives also combine several perspectives into one.

For example the Information Technology Perspective includes the Agile, Business Intelligence, Business Architecture and Business Process Management perspectives.

While the Business Architecture Perspective may include the blending of two or more organizations into one and analysing the impact of the merger on their business capabilities.

The Business Intelligence perspective might also be considered in the merger because the business leaders would like to use the impact analysis analysis in their decision making.

Perspectives are used to conduct the business analysis tasks in a way that is specific to that particular context. The perspectives help explain the knowledge areas and tasks in the BABOKĀ® Guide from the perspective of that initiative.

Each of the perspective has the following structure:

  1. Change Scope.
  2. Business Analysis Scope.
  3. Methodologies, Approaches, and Techniques.
  4. Underlying Competencies.
  5. Impact on Knowledge Areas.