Stakeholders engagement

As a business analyst you would work with numerous people and learning how to work with these people is very important.

If you are a natural people person, it would help with stakeholder analysis but if you are naturally introverted … Read the rest

Business analysis approach planning

The plan business analysis approach is used to decide on the business analysis approach to be used in the solution.

It describes the work to be done, the frequency of the work to be done and the work to be … Read the rest

Business analysis planning and monitoring

The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area is made up of tasks which are used to organize and coordinate the efforts of both the business analyst and the stakeholders in the organization.

The tasks in the business analysis planning … Read the rest

Elicitation and collaboration

As a business analyst, you have to be able to understand the needs of the business. In order to do this you have to obtain information, we use elicitation and collaborative techniques to do this.

Elicitation is the way in … Read the rest

Assessing requirements changes

Requirements can change throughout the life cycle of the project. The assess requirements change is used to evaluate the impact of the proposed changes to the requirements and designs.

As new needs or changes to existing needs are identified there … Read the rest