How to create a functional specification document

As a business analyst, you would have to create different types of documents. One of the common documents that a business analyst has to prepare is the functional specification document.

A functional specification document is a document that is used … Read the rest

Who is a Data Analyst ?

A Data analyst is anybody who is responsible for converting data into visually pleasing and easily understandable formats.

Organizations generate tons of data but it is difficult to make sense of this data in the unstructured format in which they … Read the rest

Why do you need a Functional Requirements Document ?

A Functional Requirements Document (FRD) is a document that is used to document the functionalities that the customer would like the solution to have.

It is used to document the business need, the current state and the future state of … Read the rest

What are the different types of requirement documents ?

As a Business Analyst, you would have to create different types of documents based on the task assigned to you.

While some of these documents would be created numerous times such as a functional requirements document, other requirements documents would … Read the rest

How to write good agile user stories

User stories are simple statements that are used to describe pieces of functionality from a user’s point of view. They are used to represent what the user needs.

A user story is written in a simple and understandable way and … Read the rest

How to write good use cases

A use case describes the possible outcomes of a specific goal that the solution will support. It features different paths that can be followed such as the main and alternative flows.

The main flow depicts the most direct way to … Read the rest

How to draw a process flowchart

Congratulations, you have just started your new business analyst job and your supervisor has asked you to analyze a new initiative

You are excited at the prospect of starting the work and happily gather the requirements from the stakeholders.

But … Read the rest