What is Lean Six Sigma ?

I have previously written about the Lean methodology and how it has influenced the world by its principles.

While the Lean methodology has a great influence in the process improvements initiatives in an organization overtime, the Lean methodology has evolved … Read the rest

The Kanban team members

I have previously written about how the Kanban methodology is based on the lean methodology.

Now I would like to talk about the Kanban team members and their responsibilities.

The Agile methodology was initially created to help develop and implement … Read the rest

Why you should go Agile

The Agile methodology was originally created in order to support the quick creation and deployment of software products.

Though it is now used in numerous industries, the fundamental principles of Agile which is that it is better to have a … Read the rest

How to write good use cases

A use case describes the possible outcomes of a specific goal that the solution will support. It features different paths that can be followed such as the main and alternative flows.

The main flow depicts the most direct way to … Read the rest

Top 5 skills that an IT business analyst should have

Most people think that their lack of technical skills can prevent them from starting their business analysis career.

While this is not be quite true, technical knowledge is useful if you want to become a successful IT business analyst.

I … Read the rest

The Business Process Management perspective : knowledge areas

As I conclude the discussion on the business process management perspective, let us look at how this perspective is related to the business analysis knowledge areas.

1 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring: The focus of the business analysis work … Read the rest