What is Single sign-on?

Single sign-on (SSO) is a centralized authentication mechanism that allows users to log in to multiple applications or systems with a single set of credentials (username and password or other authentication factors) instead of having to remember and enter different sets of credentials for each application.

When a user logs in to one application that supports SSO, the system authenticates the user’s credentials and issues a token or ticket that can be used to access other applications that also support SSO, without requiring the user to enter their credentials again.

This allows for a seamless and more efficient user experience, as well as improved security and reduced administrative overhead for IT teams.

SSO is commonly used in enterprise settings to provide employees with access to a range of applications and systems, but it can also be used by consumers to access a variety of online services.

Why is single signon used in organizations?

Single sign-on (SSO) is used in organizations for a number of reasons, including:

  1. Improved user experience: With SSO, users only need to remember and enter one set of credentials to access multiple applications, which can save time and reduce frustration.
  2. Increased security: SSO reduces the risk of password-related security breaches because users only need to remember one set of credentials. This can make it easier for IT teams to enforce stronger password policies and reduce the likelihood of employees using weak or easily guessed passwords.
  3. Simplified administration: SSO can reduce administrative overhead for IT teams by eliminating the need to manage multiple sets of user credentials across different applications. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors when adding or removing users from different systems.
  4. Compliance requirements: SSO can help organizations meet compliance requirements for identity and access management. For example, some regulations may require organizations to ensure that access to certain applications is restricted to authorized users only.

Overall, SSO can help organizations streamline their authentication processes, reduce security risks, and improve user experience. It can also be integrated with other security technologies, such as multi-factor authentication, to provide additional layers of security.