What is a Product Map?

A product map is a visual representation of a product or a group of products that shows their features, functionality, and how they relate to each other.

It typically includes a hierarchical structure that breaks down the product or products into smaller components or features.

The purpose of a product map is to help stakeholders, such as product managers, designers, and developers, to understand the scope of the product or products, their relationships, and how they can be improved.

Product maps can be used as a planning tool for product development or as a way to communicate product strategy to others.

How do I create a product map ?

Here are some general steps to follow to create a product map:

  1. Define the scope: Determine the product or group of products you want to map and define their boundaries.
  2. List the features: Make a list of all the features and components of the product or products. These could include user-facing features, technical features, and infrastructure.
  3. Group the features: Group the features into logical categories or modules. These groupings will help you organize the product map and make it easier to understand.
  4. Create a hierarchical structure: Organize the features into a hierarchical structure that shows how they relate to each other. Start with the highest-level categories and break them down into smaller subcategories.
  5. Visualize the map: Use a tool or software to create a visual representation of the product map. There are various tools available, such as mind mapping software, product management software, or even a simple spreadsheet or diagramming tool.
  6. Refine the map: Review the product map and refine it as needed. Make sure it accurately represents the product or products and communicates the information effectively.
  7. Share the map: Share the product map with stakeholders, such as product managers, designers, and developers. Use it as a tool to guide product development and communicate product strategy.

Remember, the product map is a living document and should be updated regularly as the product evolves or changes.