Where can I find free business analysis courses?

Free business analysis courses can be found on a variety of online sites.

Here are a few locations to start looking:

1. Coursera: Coursera provides a variety of free business analysis courses. While the course content is free, you can choose to pay for a certificate if necessary.

2. edX: edX provides free business analysis courses from colleges and institutes throughout the world. You can audit courses for free or pay a price for a validated certificate.

3. LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning provides a free trial period for their business analysis courses. This is an excellent method to check out their content before deciding whether or not to subscribe.

4. MIT OpenCourseWare: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) provides free access to course materials, including those on business analysis. You will not be issued a certificate, but you will have access to high-quality instructional content.

5. YouTube: There are many tutorials and talks on business analysis issues on YouTube. There are numerous free materials available that cover various parts of business analysis.

6. Khan Academy: Khan Academy provides free online classes in a variety of areas, including business and economics. It’s a good starting point for learning the basics.

7. Skillshare: Skillshare provides a selection of free business analysis and related courses. Some educators make their classes available for free.

8. Udemy: From time to time, Udemy offers free business analysis courses. You can use their search options to find free courses that are relevant to your interests.

While some of these courses are free, some may provide paid credentials or additional benefits.

Check out the course specifics on each platform to get a sense of the alternatives accessible to you.