What are some business analysis graduate programs?

There are many business analysis graduate programs. These programs often provide specialized training in business analysis. 

Here are a few examples:

1. Graduate Certificate in Business Analysis: This is a broad certificate program that covers several facets of business analysis, such as requirements analysis, data analysis, and project management.

2. Graduate Certificate in Process Analysis: The goal of this program is to analyze and improve company processes in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

3. Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics for Business: This certificate program integrates business analysis with data analytics, helping you to make educated business decisions using data-driven insights.

4. Graduate Certificate in Business Intelligence: This program focuses on data collection, analysis, and utilization to support organizational strategic decision-making.

5. Graduate Certificate in Project Management: While not precisely a business analysis program, project management abilities are frequently required for business analyst employment, and this certificate can help.

6. Graduate Certificate in Requirements Engineering: This program focuses on the vital ability of acquiring and managing project requirements, which is an important part of business analysis.

Consider your career ambitions as well as the specific areas of business analysis that interest you the most when selecting a program. 

Look for approved colleges or universities that provide these programs and are in line with your goals.