What is a Business Analysis plan?

A business analysis plan outlines the approach and activities to be undertaken for analyzing and improving business processes. 

It typically includes objectives, scope, stakeholders, methodology, and a timeline for the analysis process.

How do I create a business analysis plan?

Creating a business analysis plan involves several steps. 

Here is a guide to help you:

1. Define Objectives: Clearly state the goals and objectives of your analysis. Understand what you want to achieve and how it aligns with the overall business strategy.

2. Scope of Analysis: Clearly define the boundaries of your analysis. Specify which aspects of the business will be included and excluded to maintain focus.

3. Stakeholder Identification: Identify all relevant stakeholders and understand their interests. Consider how the analysis might impact each stakeholder and their involvement in the process.

4. Analysis Methodology: Choose the appropriate analysis methods and tools. Decide on techniques like interviews, surveys, data analysis, or process modeling based on your objectives.

5. Data Collection: Plan how you’ll gather data. Specify the sources of information, collection methods, and any necessary tools or templates.

6. Timeline and Milestones: Develop a timeline for your analysis. Set milestones and deadlines for key activities to ensure progress tracking and timely completion.

7. Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks to your analysis. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure the smooth progress of your analysis.

8. Documentation Plan: Determine how your findings and insights will be documented. Plan the format for reports, presentations, or any other deliverables.

9. Communication Plan: Define how communication will be handled. Establish channels and frequency for updates to stakeholders throughout the analysis.

10. Review and Approval Process: Outline the process for reviewing and approving analysis deliverables. Identify decision-makers responsible for validating your findings.

Remember, adapt these steps to your specific context and project requirements. Regularly review and update the plan as needed throughout the analysis process.