What is a Business Analysis work plan?

A business analysis work plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategy, approach, and methodology for conducting a business analysis project. 

It serves as a road map for the analysis team, detailing the objectives, scope, timeline, resources, and deliverables of the project.

The work plan typically includes:

1. Objectives: Clearly defined goals and outcomes the analysis aims to achieve.

2. Scope: Description of the boundaries and focus areas of the analysis, including what will be included and excluded.

3. Stakeholder Identification: Identification of key stakeholders and their roles in the analysis process.

4. Requirements Gathering: Plan for collecting necessary data, information, and input from stakeholders.

5. Analysis Techniques: Selection of appropriate analysis techniques and methodologies to achieve the objectives.

6. Timeline: A schedule outlining key milestones, tasks, and deadlines for the analysis project.

7. Resource Allocation: Allocation of human, financial, and technological resources required for the analysis.

8. Risk Management: Identification and mitigation strategies for potential risks and challenges that may arise during the analysis process.

9. Communication Plan: Plan for regular communication and reporting to stakeholders, including frequency and format.

10. Review and Approval Process: Process for reviewing and obtaining approval for the work plan from relevant stakeholders.

11. Execution Plan: Detailed plan for executing the analysis activities according to the defined timeline and scope.

12. Monitoring and Control: Methods for monitoring progress, tracking performance, and making adjustments as needed.

13. Documentation: Procedures for documenting findings, analysis results, assumptions, and recommendations.

14. Presentation and Reporting: Plan for presenting analysis findings and recommendations to stakeholders in a clear and actionable manner.

15. Follow-Up: Plan for implementing recommendations, monitoring outcomes, and conducting post-analysis evaluations.

A well-developed business analysis work plan helps ensure that the analysis project is conducted efficiently, effectively, and successfully, ultimately leading to informed decision-making and positive business outcomes.