What is requirements validation ?

To find the right solution that would fulfill the identified business need, the requirements need to be gathered from the right stakeholders.

Once these requirements have been gathered, they have to be analyzed and documented to fully understand them.

Once … Read the rest

What is conceptual thinking ?

During the course of the project a large amount of information would be generated.

Some of this information might be disconnected so you would have to apply conceptual thinking skills in order to understand this information.

Conceptual thinking is defined … Read the rest

How do you model requirements ?

Requirements are modeled to analyze, integrate, and process the requirements.

When there is a business need that requires a solution, the requirements are gathered from the right stakeholders.

Once these requirements have been gathered, they have to be analyzed and … Read the rest

How to prioritize requirements

As a Business Analyst, one of your main tasks would be eliciting requirements.

Requirements elicitation is the defined as the gathering of information from the stakeholders to identify the solution’s requirements.

Once the solution’s requirements have been gathered, they would … Read the rest

Why you need to trace requirements

A requirement is anything that is needed or wanted.

Requirements can be conditions, features and functionalities that are needed to solve a problem, respond to external forces such as a competitor product or fulfill some regulatory constraints.

Because a requirement … Read the rest