What is an Enterprise Relationship Diagram ?

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) or entity relationship model, is a visual representation of people, items and events in an information technology (IT) system.

The ERD uses data modeling techniques to describe business processes and act as the basis for … Read the rest

What is a fishbone diagram ?

As a Business Analyst, you would regularly have to analyze the root cause of various identified problems. One of the common tools that is used to perform the root cause analysis is called a fishbone diagram.

A fishbone diagram, a … Read the rest

Who is a Quality Assurance Analyst?

A Quality assurance analyst is anyone who is responsible for checking the quality, performance, any reliability of the organizational systems and processes before they are deployed to the organization.

After the scrum development team has finished building the software, they … Read the rest

What are the five why’s ?

As a business analyst, you have to be able to understand the root cause of the business need in order to elicit the right requirements.

One common method of analyzing the root cause of the business need is called the … Read the rest

What is difference between Business Analysis and Business Analytics ?

Many people would like to know the difference between business analysis and business analytics ?

So what is the difference between the two job disciplines ?

But first of all, what is Business Analysis ?

A Business analyst is anybody … Read the rest

What is a decision tree ?

A decision tree is a tool that uses a tree-like model to analyze decisions and their possible consequences.

Decision trees are usually used in decision analysis, to help identify a plan of action that is most likely to reach a … Read the rest

How to conduct an effective stand up meeting

Stand up meetings are an important event that is used in the Scrum methodology. Their primary purpose is to keep the Scrum team updated on the team’s progress.

The stand up meetings are usually held daily and they are alloted … Read the rest

What is UAT ?

While Business Analysts are technically not supposed to play an active part in testing, in reality they do support and perform product testing.

One common type of tests that business analysts support is the User Acceptance Testing.

But what are Read the rest