What is decision making ?

To be an effective business analysts, you must be able to understand the principles involved in making a decision, and assist the stakeholders in making better decisions.

When stakeholders are faced with having to select an option from numerous different options , a decision has to be made on the best one.

Making a decision involves gathering the information that is relevant to the decision, analyzing this information, making comparisons and trade-offs, and identifying the most desirable option.

The business analysts would document these decisions and the logic behind these decisions to use them as a source of information in the event that a similar decision is required in the future or if they are required to explain why a decision was made.

The measures of effective decision making include the following:

1. The right stakeholders have to be represented in the decision-making process.

2. The stakeholders need to understand the decision-making process and the logic behind the decision.

3. The advantages and disadvantages of all the available options need to be clearly communicated to the stakeholders.

4. The decision needs to lessen or remove uncertainty, and if all uncertainties cannot be removed then ensure that any remaining uncertainty is acceptable.

5. Ensure that the decision made fulfills the need and is in the best interest of all the stakeholders.

6. Ensure that the stakeholders understand all the conditions, environment, and measures in which the decision will be made.